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2th Quarter 2011
Gunungan Children's Refuge
Page 7
Old Palm Tree
At the entrance to the Children's Refuge proudly stand 2 huge palm trees either side of the gate. During the wet and windy rainy season they sway violently, threatening to fall over onto the local government office building opposite. During the dry season the huge dry palm fronds fall down onto the electricity power lines below, causing spark shows and blackouts for the immediate vicinity (picture opposite).
For a number of days there had been a rising smell coming from around the front of the Refuge building.
Was there a dead body in the open drainage channel that ran along the front of the building?
Had the septic tank overflowed?

It turns out that when a palm tree dies, the smell given off is something akin to all of these and more! There was no choice, we had to call in the experts. We asked everywhere but no-one was willing to come and help cut down the tree. It turns out that of the half a million inhabitants in all of Solo, there is only one expert. Only one man who is experienced and brave enough to cut down a palm tree. The 70 year old, Pak Suhar agreed to step out of retirement and help us.

Ever conscious of Health & Safety,
Pak Suhar checks his bamboo ladder for woodworm

Safety rope carefully slung over his shoulder,
Pak Suhar is ready to ascend

“No worries, I’ll shimmy up from here!”

Left over right, right over left….
Or was it the other way around?

No fancy gizmos for Pak Suhar
Real men go barefoot and use a hand axe.

Just a few more hacks…
“Hey, I can see my house from here!”

And away she goes !
All down, safe and sound.

Many thanks to Pak Suhar for coming out of retirement especially for us, and getting the job done without incident.

The stench of rotting palm pulp eventually cleared up in the weeks to come and life returned to normal once more….
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